Buying auto insurance online is a great idea if you’re hoping to save money and time. The advantage of purchasing auto insurance online is you get quick access to quotes from insurers without having to call individual companies and provide the same details repeatedly over the phone. You’re also able to shop anytime you want, with quick access to several different quotes. Here are six tips to keep in mind when buying auto insurance online.
1. Be prepared
To get accurate auto insurance quotes, you will need to provide the following information, so make sure you have it to hand:
• Vehicle model, make and year
• Vehicle identification number
• Mileage per year
• Registration
• Driver’s licence
• Information about driving violations, claims or accidents in the last 5 years
You may also have to give insurers permission to check your driving record and credit report.
2. Do your research beforehand!
You should decide how much you ideally want to be spending on your car insurance, and research the average rates for your ZIP code, and for your age group. You can now start researching and comparing quotes from different insurers.
3. Choose liability limits
After providing details of yourself and your car, you’ll be asked to purchase liability insurance. This is required in almost all states to drive your car legally and must be taken into account.
4. Choose deductibles and coverage
After setting your liability limits, you’ll be asked if you want to buy any optional coverage. These include:
• Under-insured or uninsured motorist: these cover you if you are hit by a driver who’s not adequately insured, or uninsured.
• Personal injury protection: covers your funeral expenses, lost wages, and medical expenses, including passengers in your car.
• Collision coverage: this covers damages (car repair or replacement) if you are involved in an accident.
• Comprehensive: covers damages and loss of your vehicle as a result of theft, natural disasters, fire or vandalism.
5. Make payments online
After generating a quote, you need to make an online payment, which can be done using net banking or a credit/debit card. After making the payment, you’ll be asked to fill in an online application form.
Insurers will ask you some questions to determine if you qualify for auto insurance discounts, which can enable you to get the cheapest auto insurance for your specific situation. This can include your job or business type, and whether or not your vehicle is equipped with anti-theft or safety devices, among others.
6. Print your insurance card and cancel an old policy
After purchasing online, the policy bond will be delivered by mail. You can download your insurance card for coverage proof. You’re free to cancel an existing – and likely costlier – policy and start saving money.
If you’ve got any further questions or want to buy auto insurance online, contact EZ Insurance of Austin Texas ( to save money and time.