After an unusually wet and stormy spring, it looks like we’re finally free of the torrential downpours that have been plaguing us; yes, it’s finally starting to look like summer here in Texas! And with the sunny weather and release from school, families start hunting...
It’s been a long while since Central Texas has seen such a wet month of May, and while rainfall filling up the lakes and aquifers is a welcome way to start the summer, the tornados, pounding hail, and massive flash floods are not quite as appreciated. These storms...
[:es] There’s no doubt about it – spring has been in full force for awhile now here in central Texas. Like the fall, it’s a mercurial time where the weather is concerned: a perfect, sunny 72 degrees one day, steamy and humid the next, followed by torrential rainstorms...
Beyond requirement by law, we all recognize the value in carrying auto insurance: an appropriate policy could save you thousands in the unfortunate event of an accident. That doesn’t stop most people from sighing a little with each monthly payment, or from being a...
Most people consider homeownership to be a real “rite of passage” into the adult world, and not without reason. Although the search for and purchasing of the perfect new home can be exhilarating, owning your home comes with a whole new slew of responsibilities and...