With the New Year right around the corner, we’ve already started compiling New Year’s resolutions (with certain trepidation, of course). It’s that time of year where optimistic citizens pledge to better their lives in drastic ways – whether it be losing 30 pounds, quitting smoking, or resolving to be a better person. While all these are great resolutions, they’re often hard to change overnight and thus difficult to keep past January. Why not set a realistic New Year’s resolution that benefits you in a different way – by vowing to take better care of your car. We rely on our cars for more things than we think: carpooling children, getting to and from work, road tripping, etc. So this 2015, make your resolution car-focused in hopes of prolonging the life of your car.


Clean your car.

It’s simple really – the less junk that is in your car, the less it weights, and the less fuel you will burn. It’s a win-win situation. A de-cluttered car puts you at ease mentally, saves you money, and is better for the environment. Take an hour or two to remove unnecessary items from your trunk and clean out compartments.


Check Wheels and Tires Regularly.

Make sure you are actively checking your tire pressure (at least monthly). You don’t want your tires to wear. Similarly, make sure you wheels are aligned. Neglecting these components can lead to costly bills if you have to replace parts. Also, be sure to stay on top of fluid changes to prolong the longevity of your car.


Schedule Regular Checkups.

Firstly, follow your maintenance schedule. You may think your vehicle is running properly, but a trained professional technician can spot issues you may not. Getting your car serviced and checked at least twice a year is not excessive – it’s essentially staying ahead of the game.


Be a More Cautious Driver.

There are so many distractions now from iPods to phones. Make it a priority to avoid anything that might hinder your driving. Resist the urge to answer that text or put your makeup on at a red light. Before you get in the car, make sure you are comfortable with your route and know weather conditions and road closures. All of these things will contribute to a better driver and hopefully less accidents.


Get Covered.

Protect yourself and your vehicle from unexpected issues. Auto insurance is an economic safety net that will protect your bank account. Use an auto insurance company that will make it easy for you to obtain the coverage that you need.


Setting New Year’s resolutions for your car is a realistic goal that will ultimately prolong the life of your vehicle, save you time and money, and increase the safety of you and your passengers! Start by cleaning out unnecessary messes and scheduling your checkups throughout the year – then follow-through! We guarantee you’ll feel accomplished with this attainable New Year’s resolution.