
This month is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Though we here at EZ Insurance Agency recommend that drivers not text while driving year-round, April is the month that we bring awareness to this serious issue. According to TxDot, there were 94,943 traffic crashes in Texas that involved distracted driving. That’s 94,943 crashes that could have been prevented had the drive been paying attention and aware of their surroundings. Safe driving habits, such as not texting and driving, can help keep your driving record clean and your insurance rates low.

This texting while driving epidemic is often more apparent with the younger generation, especially those who have only had their license for a short time.  AT&T offers an app called DriveMode that allows your phone to send automatic replies to phone calls, text messages, and emails when the vehicle is moving at 25 mph. After the vehicle has been moving at less than 25 mph for 5 minutes the app will turn off and allow the user to view what they missed.

With many Texans driving across the state this month to celebrate Easter with their families, or to take a short drive out to the hill country to capture a family photo in the bluebonnets, we ask that you remember to put the phone down.

Technology has become such a major factor of our everyday lives. Sometimes people forget to live in the moment and take in the scenery around them. Those Texas bluebonnets are only around for so long. Your newsfeed will be there waiting for you when you get home. Enjoy the Bluebonnets.