If you have a teenager and you are thinking of adding them to your auto insurance policy, start preparing your budget for a premium increase. According to statistics, adding a teen to your insurance can increase your rates by up to 90%. This is because teenagers are...
Shopping for car insurance online can be overwhelming since the market is saturated with endless options. However, getting the right policy for your vehicle is vital in ensuring you get adequate compensation in case of an accident. Additionally, choosing the right...
If you’re a business owner with a fleet of vehicles, you’ll need to make sure that they’re insured. However, your personal car insurance policy might not cover them, which means that you’ll need commercial auto insurance. Here’s what you...
A car insurance claim is a request made to your insurance provider for compensation after an accident. Your insurance claim not only covers the damages sustained during an accident but also represents you when you are liable for damages (at-fault accidents). However,...
Auto insurance in Austin, Texas, can get expensive when you are a senior citizen. Some insurance providers do not take into account your years of experience as proof of your ability to drive without having multiple accidents every year. These indemnity companies,...