Auto Insurance Benefits for Classic Cars

Classic automobile insurance is a real money saver that’s fantastic for collectors. EZ insurance coverage programs are ideal for fans who want to love their vehicles while having the satisfaction of knowing that their investments are well shielded. There are...

Cheap EZ Insurance in Texas

With living prices and unemployment rates on the rise, a lot of people are trying to find ways to economize money in their monthly budgets. Giving up amusement, purchasing markets at various stores, as well as coupon clipping have all been popular methods for stealing...

Choosing Your Deductible: High or Low?

When deciding on your auto insurance, there are several factors to consider. You have your monthly premium that you have to pay, and you also have your deductible amount that you will pay in the event of an accident. Most people understand the general rule that the...
Cooking in Your Car?

Cooking in Your Car?

People might be talking about summer coming to an end and being excited for fall…but here in Austin it’s still hot! With temperatures still reaching into the 90s, it’s hard to get excited for sweater weather and everything else associated with cooler temperatures. In...

Top 5 Things to Do This Summer in Austin

After an unusually wet and stormy spring, it looks like we’re finally free of the torrential downpours that have been plaguing us; yes, it’s finally starting to look like summer here in Texas! And  with the sunny weather and release from school, families start hunting...