SXSW starts this week so that means Austin will have a great number of visitors coming into town. Get ready for there to be traffic and for downtown Austin to be packed with people trying to make it to the best shows, parties, viewings, and more. Southby is one of the...
Austin has been experiencing some interesting weather in 2014. Freezing temperatures and rain have created a icy mess for this Texas town. There have been hundreds or car accidents, road closures, school closures, work delays, and more due to the weather. But when you...
The end of January was a scary one for a lot of us Austinites. The couple of ice storms turned Icepocalypse that hit the city were a definite wake up call for a lot of Austin drivers. Texans are definitely not accustomed to anything cold like snow and ice and they...
A New Year means: NEW. YEAR. RESOLUTIONS! And hopefully this year you’re planning on keeping yours. Getting more exercise and eating healthier/living a healthier life is usually the #1 resolution people have. And there is seriously no better place to keep that...
New Year’s 2014 was a great and celebratory time for many of us around Austin, but for some unfortunate and careless drivers, their nights didn’t go the way they planned. Police arrested 24 people for drunk driving during 2013’s ‘No Refusal’...