Auto insurance companies want to reward safer drivers. The safer you are, the less likely you are to make a claim, which reduces the financial risk the insurance company is taking on you. Buying a car with reliable safety features can qualify you for discounts, making...
When an accident takes place, auto insurance can help you avoid the burdens of huge repair and medical bills. However, insurers will only provide reimbursement when motorists supply enough information and allow adjusters to thoroughly assess the extent of the damage....
If your vehicle requires major repairs, it could take a service center multiple weeks to complete the work. Many motorists need rental cars while they wait; this often increases the total cost by $250 to $850. Luckily, your auto insurance might pay the bill under the...
Around two out of every 10 serious car accidents happen when cars hit stationary obstacles, such as light poles or trees. A limb can also fall on your vehicle during stormy weather. Many motorists wonder if auto insurance covers damage to cars or valuable trees....
Your car is susceptible to thievery and vandalism at any given time in your absence. In case your car is broken into or stolen, one of the first questions that come to mind is, “does my insurance cover theft?” This varies depending on the type of...